Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dear God...

Dear God,
It's me, the girl who often doubts your teachings
and ignores your words. The girl who only asks
when she wants and when she desperately needs.

But despite my flaws, despite my arrogance,
You have always forgiven me, and listen to me
when I call.

I don't doubt your work, in fact I've seen the miracles
you have performed on my family and friends.
I do believe in You in a way I don't believe in anything else.

You brought Christopher back to life
You healed him so he can stand again.
You cured my grandmother of two cancers
and You gave meaning to their life in their old age.

Sometimes I only ignore your teachings because
of the continuos praises they sing of you.
And I will admit it's true.

Dear God,
Today I call on you again.
My family and I will be calling on you, and asking you for
one more favour:

You have been by my grandma's side for a long time now.
And now that the doctors may have discovered
something new, something possibly bad,
Please be by her side.

Keep her calm, keep her healthy
Please hold up the faith in her that she has for you.
She is scared, so am I, so are we
But we don't want to worry over what may not be.

I am praying that it's just some extra tissue
that can be removed, and nothing else more serious.

But let her nor my grandpa worry about this situation.
Instead pour happiness and hope and faith
into their hearts.

Let them look forward to the brighter and warmer
days to come.

For this and more and for everything
you have blessed me with,
I give thanks to You.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The place to be

Old school music piping through aged charming buildings
with rustic interior decorations matched with classic pieces 

Ageless streets stashing away secret treasures 
hosting flashbacks of unforgettable memories
Dark hideaways preserving bittersweet romances 

Childhood memorabilia, teenage stash-aways 
Outgrown clothing, dateless artifacts, expired tickets 

Untold secrets, covered up lies
Sweet stickyness melting into one

Sunday, March 22, 2009

wishful wishes

chocolate frosted clouds pouring down
gold champagne and kissable rain drops
drinkable sunsets over a sea of diamonds
huggable wind blowing maple leaves soft
against pillow fillings into 
the cyan shimmering sky 

hearable laughter infinite smiles
immortal feelings of pleasure
small skips of joy embraceable warmth
holding hands with comfortable security

colourful feelings with a dash of
hopes coming true adding life to
black and white ambitions 
happy fragrances embedded into
expandable souls 

Monday, January 12, 2009

Unchained Melodies

Just can't get it right today
What's the point of getting it right any day
Might as well give up and cry 
Instead of brusing from the fight 

It's been years since it's been gone
Nearly a year since something worked 
I guess I'm going to give up 

I guess I'm going to give up 

But steady hands will take the wheel
Steering in the right direction, never fail
One must be prepared to be there
And not try to come back 

Unless the road may lead
 me back to you

What will give to get what's fair 
Is it what you really need 
Do you even know what's that 
Do you see what I see 

Maybe if you didn't care
you would realize that your world 
is crashing down, 
If you just realized... 

That this may pass you by
like the other opportunities that 
we never realized we missed out on 

The search is on for someone 
for something that will make us crazy 
While the only thing that's on our mind
is exactly what we've got 

If you just realize
that what you want 
is not what you need

Somewhat bored and needing to exercise my brain, I have gained inspiration from 4 songs- Just Can't Seem to Get it Right, Sunday Morning, Stop and Stare, Realize and Make Love in this Club, to create a (literally speaking) Unchained Melody